THE POWER OF THE PEN: Create the Year you Want through Guided Journaling

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Regular price $25.00

Saturday, January 18th, 9:30-11am

THE POWER OF THE PEN: Create the Year you Want through Guided Journaling (Looking Forward)

In 1978 Barbara Sher published WISHCRAFT: How to Get What You Really Want and

in 2000 Henrietta Anne Klauser published WRITE IT DOWN, MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Both of these books promote writing not only as a tool to help you achieve what you envision, but as a source of inspiration.

When you use guided journaling, magic happens. Whether you want to sell 1500 widgets, buy a new car, paint a portrait, enrich your relationships, or write a novel, this class will explore how realizing your ideas and intentions is closely tied to writing them down,

And there's a positive side-effect. Even if you achieve nothing at all (which isn't likely), writing down your hopes, fantasies and imaginings can make you feel vibrant and optimistic.

Materials needed

  • a writing instrument 
  • a notebook or journal
  • your creative mind

This class is only available in-store and space is limited. This class is non-refundable. Please make sure you can make it before signing up.